

K Logo.png
21 Feb 2023

In an attempt to improve the administration of ECB Play-Cricket the league will be running 3 Google Meet Sessions which will be aimed at covering the responsibilities of clubs both pre-season and during the season.

Prior to each session clubs will be provided with the training material we propose to cover (as opposed to presenting everything on screen)

To ensure the correct contacts at each club receives the information, we ask that clubs attending provide an email address to which we can send the training material.

The plan is for 3 sessions (Wednesday the 8th, 15th and 29th of March) with the 8th being for Premier and Division 1 clubs, the 15th for Division 2 & 3 Clubs and the 29th being a sweep up of clubs who did not attend on the first two dates.

For most attendees we hope it will be more of a refresher rather than teaching something new, however attendance is mandatory to ensure all clubs are upskilled to a level that will reduce the amount of administration which was mentioned at the AGM. 

We look forward to receiving your confirmation emails to dsooty54@btinternet.com in good time so the training material can be sent at least a week before the first session and set everyone up for accessing the meeting room.


Darren Sutcliffe - Cheshire County Cricket League Play-Cricket Administrator